Ricetta #6 by Taimar Birthistle Cooke - Pancakes di spinaci e basilico
· By Sartoria Ciclistica
We apologize for the delay in publishing another new Taimar recipe (@tai.bak.cooke)and we did not expect to receive emails from friends asking for new "Sartoria mood" recipes.Here is the recipe for savory spinach and basil pancakes with avocado and poached egg. TASTE MORE HERE
Overnight Chia Jars
· By Sartoria Ciclistica
And here is the first Taimar's recipe! The choice to have passionate about international food was easy, the reason is precisely because you can find recipes that are rarely used in Italy, here you are ... read more
We are "Food & Coffee addicted"!
· By Sartoria Ciclistica
ITALIANO (for English see below): Ecco una gustosa novità! In questo periodo di "quarantena" una cosa siamo stati capacissimi di fare, darci al cibo! Bene, da amanti del gusto e del godersi il momento della tavola abbiamo creato una nuova rubrica all'interno del sito dedicata a "Food & coffee addicted" in collaborazione con Virginia Simoni, Sarah Tibs, Taimar Birthistle-Cooke e Federica Camperi. Curiosi? cliccate QUI. Ci vediamo in cucina! ENGLISH: Here is a tasty news! In this period of "quarantine" one thing we have been very good of doing, giving ourselves to food! Well, as lovers of taste and enjoying...