2024 Sartoria cycling events — sunday ride

  • CANCELLED... Laghée Gravel Epic 2024

    · By Sartoria Ciclistica

    Sorry for giving you this bad news! We know lots of you already registered and wanted to enjoy a weekend with us and around our beautiful Lake Como surrounding routes but due to the heavy rain we got in our area for the last 4 months lots events had to postponed the date and now we have so many events in the same weekend that we do not want to start spamming you and your friend along our socials and newsletter for pushing more the registrations and start a competition between other gravel events, for competitions there are the UCI...

  • Tour de Sartoria Ride - Giro del Lago di Como

    · By Sartoria Ciclistica

    In the period of "Classics and Monuments race" the Tour de Sartoria is for us the classic also known as the Tour of Lake Como.Sunday 7 April.165 km almost completely flat with around 1000m+ and an average between 32kmh and 35kmh "easy" to keep with the gruppetto.Meeting in Sartoria Ciclistica at 8.30am and departure at 8.45amExpected return without stops between 13:15 and 14:00 based on the hourly average.We remind you that Sartoria Ciclistica closes at 15:00 so anyone will be able to finish it by that time and enjoy a well deserved chilled beer.We look forward to seeing you on...


    · By Sartoria Ciclistica

    We are more than happy to host a sunday ride with Pas Normal Studios along their Van Tour on the way back from Strade Bianche. Join us and PAS Destination Everywhere van for a Social Ride in Como. The famous clockwise ride around Lake Como.The weather forecast doesn't look good. For this reason, depending how it looks like on Friday night, we'll either cancel, shorten or keep it as planned. For this event, we'll meet up at 8:30 AM at Sartoria Ciclistica to roll out at 8:45 AM. An stunning and iconic route along the Lake Como, where The van...

  • PINK RIDE 2023!

    · By Sartoria Ciclistica

    One of the main cycling event of the year designed by Sartoria Ciclistica is knocking the door to all woman who ride bikes and want to say "Hey! here we are!" to the world of cycling. The PINK RIDE is the only event open exclusively to woman (yes, men are allowed, we don't care if is your husband, toy boy, lover or whoever but the important is that they don't push the pace or break the group and above all, don't stress the ladies who want to enjoy their own event! :-) ) The number of registrations are, as always,...

  • Sunday Gravel Ride 19 March

    · By Sartoria Ciclistica

    Sunday, March 19 is Sunday Gravel Social Ride! Our gravel ride are open to everyone who’d love to join us and share some of our neighborhood routes. Roughly 40 km with 300 dsl+ (altitude) social pace also open to Mountain Bike and emtb. (3 hours easy ride, no stress). Meeting as always in Sartoria Ciclistica (via borgo vico 54, como) from 8:30am for those who want to have a breakfast before the ride and start 9:15am . The ride leader is as always our Daniele.  free event, no registration needed. see you soon! We Gravel for coffee! 


    · By Sartoria Ciclistica

    Cycling season is officially started! forecasts are getting nicers, sky is getting more blue but above all is starting the "Short bib season"!! Here we spoiler you some of the next events that will happens in Sartoria Ciclistica with more info to come. - Sunday 12th March is Social Sunday ride (road) time. - Sunday 19th March is the time of the monthly Gravel Social ride, roughtly 40 km around our area, we will give you more news in next newsletter. - Friday 31st March we will host a great event with the super duo from Eurosport Italy, the myth...